Weekly Postings

I've lost most of my posts that I had on another blog. So I have reviewed some of my short writings to begin blogging again. These will start soon on a weekly basis.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

The rainy start to this day adds an element of solemnness as we consider the price of freedom.  Free men and women are not issued that consideration as right or privilege. We live in a world that would that bombards us from both liberal and conservative viewpoints, telling us to they are the sole standard bearers of truth. As each of diligently pursue the admirable concepts of truth, justice and peace, may we also consider the lives lost over the years that allows us as Americans to freely follow these cornerstones of democracy. I offer today a couple of speeches that clearly define who we are as Americans. Are we perfect in our pursuit of the aforementioned concepts? Our history shows our failures as well as our success. Freedom shines a light of transparency, though sometimes it may take years for the light to root out discrimination and oppression even in our system of governing. Nevertheless, freedom must be accompanied by accountability. The graves of those that gave their all demand nothing less. 

We Are Americans

Oliver North, US Troops Veterans Day

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