Weekly Postings

I've lost most of my posts that I had on another blog. So I have reviewed some of my short writings to begin blogging again. These will start soon on a weekly basis.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Carpenter Knew the Nails

Man was born with breath and dust

Pure, unbound and without lust.

God knew sin would bring us low

And yet He let us reap and sow

His plan included His own Son.

The perfect, pure and blameless One

To become Man’s path to righteousness

Through sacrifice, death and spotlessness.

He doomed the grave and is now the door

To life, heaven and so much more.

Peace and comfort, purpose and light

Rest for the weary, strength for night.

But as I take the bread and cup

The thought that swallows my soul up,

As he grew up Joseph’s boy,

 He knew the nails, his own first toy.

He learned to drive them deep and sure

To bind the wood firm and secure

Knowing well the day would come

Blood would stain His own thumbs.

Did the nails on Joseph’s bench

Stab His soul, with sin’s death stench?

Timeless, eternal now bound by life’s clock

Christ dreaded the cross, yet he had to unlock

The way to His father, heaven and glory

But obedience is difficult, death is gory.

As He gathered the nails in Joseph’s small shop

To bind wood together, His hammer would drop

Reminding Him one day their hammer would flail

And pierce His own hands with sin covered nails.


Written 2018

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