Saturdays don't have the same level of relief and release as they did when I was working. Retirement has deconstructed much of the stress I endured while working. The workplace and its daily demands usually could be put on hold whenever Saturday rolled around without its rude interruption by the alarm clock. Sure, Saturday had its own jobs around the house, the yard, the building project, cleaning and laundry, and other time constrictors that collaborated to keep me busy. The press of time is now more measured without Monday lurking at the end of the weekend.
Sunday was and still is the day of worship and rest. Of course, the proverbial oxen does get in the ditch on occasion but those disruptions are rare. I look forward to gathering with my brothers and sisters in Christ to joyfully worship. I am not always gleeful due to illness, pressing family concerns, or number of weighty issues that might rob me of my joy but usually the music, fellowship and the preaching of the word dispels those thoughts, at least for a short interval of time. As I have grown older, I have begun to anticipate entering the Lord's house.
Sunday afternoon has its own rewards as well. After a hearty Sunday lunch, I watch golf or football until the combination of food and stillness blurs my eyesight and I fight sleep. Sometimes, I give into sleep's grasp and lay down on my bed, hook up to my CPAP and nap for 30 minutes to an hour. Other days I just nod and gap on the couch, determined to fight off sleep but usually making a mockery of myself, so much so that my wife enjoys videoing me in my fit of stupor. I really don't care that she captures my slumber other than my open mouth and snorting being preserved and shared with my family. That image does project ineptness and Papa appears to be intoxicated!
I am grateful that the Lord set aside a day for us to both worship and rest. He is worthy of our worship and all of us were made to worship something. There is God-size hole in all of our hearts that only He can fill. I look forward to Sunday in His house when I am both affirmed and affirming through worshiping Christ Jesus. The remainder of the day of rest allows me to recharge physically just as I have recharged spiritually that morning. Without a day of renewal I would be more empty and less effective, even in my post working life. Sunday is the day to reclaim and recalibrate the life that God has called us to live.
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